Hello Potters! Just a reminder that registration is on for the JCC Ceramics I course that runs from Aug. 21st to Dec. 13th. 2023. Class times are Mon. & Wed. 3:45 to 5:40pm. (60 hours of instruction) County residents under 60 pay the full rate, people over 60 can audit for the cost of registration and studio fees. Auditors cannot sign up for the class until Aug. 21st, pending the approval of the instructor and available space in class. Tuition paying students are seated first.
Ceramics I — 3074
ART 1590 – 3 credits
Students will gain a working knowledge of fundamental and advanced studio work in clay preparation, hand building, throwing, mold making, slip casting, glaze preparation, decorating techniques, and firing techniques. No requisites. J fall, spring.
Taught at the Tri-County Arts Clay Studio- 106 West State St. Olean,NY